Add It to the List!

Is sugar Free frozen yogurt an alcoholic food of mine? I’m not sure, damn it, but I guess I’ll find out:(

After Yogurtland:

Dude, sugar free frozen yogurt is just as freaking good as regular yogurt. Man. All of a sudden it’s like I just took a hit, wtf! I’m all of a sudden calmer, and more satisfied. I don’t feel anxious. Desserts are literally like heroin for me. Before I got the yogurt I thought to myself, “What are you feeling? I guess the only way to find out is if I don’t give in and let the feeling come.” That is a huge epiphany for me but unfortunately I gave in and now I’m never gonna know what I’m really feeling:( damn it!

Before I Take That First Bite

Ahhhh, I feel like I’m white knuckling a roller coaster right now and all over eating something. For some reason I just cannot get getting some frozen yogurt out of my head! Sure, if I went it would be a sugar free yogurt and I won’t get much BUT it’s not in my plan. It’s off plan and compulsive but I just can’t shake the feeling of not doing it. I think about what they say in Over Eaters Anonymous – “can you be abstinent today?” And in my head I think, “I was abstinent yesterday but today I really want yogurt.” I have no idea why either. I’m not that hungry, I’m not lonely, I’m not bored, I’m not angry – I just want the taste of sweet sugar free yogurt. What is so sad is thinking of going to bed without it tonight. That’s when you know you have a problem, an addiction. “I just want one small hit of yogurt.” God help me!

Here’s my latest stats:

35 years old. 5ft’ 1″
Start weight: 237lbs (Since before 4/12)
Current Weight: 211 lbs
Total Weight Loss so far: 26 lbs!
Mini-goal weight #1: 200 lbs
Mini-goal weight #2: 180
Mini-goal weight #3: 150
Dream goal weight: 135

I’m still here!

Whew! It’s been a long time since I’ve written on my blog and my goodness, what an update I have! Nothing too crazy, but definitely reason to give a good cheer out to myself! I have not given up my desire to get healthier and that’s a miracle! I don’t know how many times I’ve lived this life starting and giving up on my weight loss goals. So many towels throw in, so many personal disappointments and so many pounds lost and much more gained. I’m probably healthier than I have been in 10 years, and I’ve done more exercise in the past month than I have probably also in the past 10 years!

I’m still eating low carb and actually recommitting myself to it because I know it works. I’ve fallen off the low carb wagon on the weekends and it slowly creeped into the weekday and that’s when I knew I needed to get back in check! On the topic of exercise, I’ve never been a fan. I mean, not exercising was almost my identity. My brother was the athlete in the family, not me. I always ate the carb loaded meals he ate the night before a big basketball game. The only difference between me and my brother is that the next day he would play 3 basketball games in a row, burning off all those pasta carbs while I sat in the bleachers watching and eating concession stand food. Well, I know that exercise is my biggest hurdle in weight loss so I decided that in order for me to do any of it, I’ll have to get to the point of LOVING IT! I mean, you hear about it from your fit friend, or those fitness magazines, or those people in the workout videos. People actually like, if not love, to exercise. Who knew!?!? I knew the key to doing this for good was to get myself to the gym, most days out of the week, and exercising till I got addicted to it. Well, my friend, it works!!!!  Now there are days that I don’t want to get up early and I do want to sleep in, but that last just a few seconds until I talk myself into the good feelings I’ll have during and after I go. Now, I don’t do anything crazy, at least not yet, haha. I joined the gym (24 Hour Fitness Super Sport!) and loaded up I Heart radio on to my Iphone (I totally recommend listening to the radio station SpinCycle. It’s awesome, it’s like going to the dance club while working out!) and I go Monday through Friday. No exceptions, though I won’t beat myself up if I miss a day. If I do miss a day, I definitely try to make sure I go to my Hip hop dance class on Wednesday nights that I LURVE! I go in the morning, before I go to work because I love the momentum I get from exercising and if I go at night I’ll be less likely to go ’cause home is so comfortable that you don’t want to leave it to go to the gym.

Right now, all I really do is walk. For the past 3 weeks I’ve been trying to walk in intervals, meaning doing 1 minute of walking normally then one minute of walking fast. See nothing crazy. I’ve definitely seen a difference in my face and my engagement ring is getting looser. It’s really only been a month and a week since I’ve been exercising 7 days a week. I know I look like I lost weight, but the scale isn’t moving down like crazy. I have lost inches but I think my “cheat day(s)” may have hindered the weight loss so that’s the reason I’m putting it in check because I don’t want my exercise efforts to be in vain!  I would say I’ve lost about 3 inches from around my body and a steady pound but I look much better and other people are noticing it too. Because of those weekend cheat days I’ll loose during the week then gain what I lost during the weekend =( However, at least I know how to eat when I’ll need to maintain my weight! I’m gonna try to limit my cheat days to a day, maybe even just a meal depending on if I can make progress that way. Anywho, I’m proud of myself for not giving up and still fighting the good fight and I’m super excited about getting healthier each day.

To celebrate my continued success I want to list some blogs I’ve read that are so inspiring to me:

This girl’s blog is sooo inspirational and she is such a wonderful writer and gorgeous to boot!!

Another beautiful girl who’s a beautiful inspiration! Love her blog!

The awesome Sarah Wilson who helped me start on this low/no sugar journey! I swear by cutting sugar down and out of your diet! Cutting out sugar has made a huge difference in my life and weight loss journey!

Till next time!

Here’s my latest stats:

33 years old. 5ft’ 1″
Start weight: 237lbs (Since before 4/12)
Current Weight: 222.8lbs
Total Weight Loss so far: 14.2lbs!
Mini-goal weight #1: 200 lbs
Mini-goal weight #2: 180
Mini-goal weight #3: 150
Dream goal weight: 135

A Little Pause

Soooo, we (The boyfriend and I) survived our 2 week induction, barely! Actually, we lasted on induction for exactly 2.5 weeks and then the 3 Day Memorial weekend came and our boredom got the best of us. In the past we have gone to different carb laden places for entertainment and we were soooo bored during the 3 day weekend that we gave in and got some cheesecake and taco bell. Well the cheesescake I don’t regret that much but the Taco bell was awful. I’m kind of glad we are getting back on track now because eating the Atkins way is delicious! I think that’s what I love about this diet is that when you fall a little bit, getting back on the horse is not too bad. It’s not like you’re going back to a way of eating filled with bland, unsatisfying food. You’re getting back on track by eating delicious cheese and meats and vegetables. The only damage I did for 2 days of not eating the Atkins way is about 1.5 pound gain. That’s not too bad and you know what, that’s life. Some days you’re gonna have a little more fun with your food like holidays, vacations or birthdays. So you have your fun for a day or two and then you get back on track. You can’t be perfect all the time. Life isn’t perfect. So that’s how I feel about it. In the past I’ve beat myself up after a slip and this time I’m not gonna do that. I think that lack of abuse to myself helps me keep going.

I think another thing that contributed to us going off the diet for a day or two was that we were going through a plateau. I read all over the Atkins forum board that most people tend to go through a Post Induction Stall (aka plateau). I stayed at the same weight for like a week after induction and it was a little frustrating. They say it’s because your body is getting used to the new way of eating and adjusts to the water loss. After a little bit of a plateau, which could last up to 6 weeks, people have said it starts to drop. After about a week of plateauing I dropped a pounds so that made me feel good. Also, it’s a little bit of a lesson in patience. I mean, I don’t mind the plateauing that much because in my head I’m like “What else am I gonna do?” There’s no other way of eating that I think I’d care for in order to lose weight so if people are saying they are losing on this then why not stick to it. Anywho, that’s where my mind is at now! So far after starting Atkins about 3 weeks ago I’ve lost a total of 6.4lbs and I’m happy with that!

32 years old. 5ft’ 1″
Start weight: 230lbs (4/27/12)
Current Weight: 223.6lbs
Mini-goal weight #1: 200 lbs
Mini-goal weight #2: 180
Mini-goal weight #3: 150
Dream goal weight: 135

You say you want a revolution…

Happy Monday, ugh, I still don’t like Mondays, haha. Well Today is officially me and the boyfriend’s first day on Atkins! Woohoo! We’ve been eating low carbish for a few days before we made the decision, so there was one day of a carb blow out to say goodbye to the carbs that we will not be seeing for a very long while. I was down to 225 and after the blow out I went up to 227.6 but I’m not worried about it! Then I got my lady business (sorry for the TMI) and I went up to 227.8, but this morning (after some low carb eating yesterday) I started going down and officially today on my first day of Atkins I’m at 227lbs even. So far, I’ve been craving stuff here and there. At one point my carb urge was super strong and it made me upset. I actually had some depression earlier today and I think it was because of my sugar withdrawals but then this afternoon I had the urge to want to do a 5K. Like, I totally don’t run, I’m not a runner and I’m horrible at exercising but for some reason an idea went in my head and I was like “I totally want to run a 5K someday.” In particular, I want to run this 5K: The Color Run. You basically run while people throw colors at you and you wear all white and at the end of the race you look like a rainbow! That sounds like so much fun!!! Also, I’d totally do this 5K at Disneyland, although it’s like for “families” but I fell like that’s my exercise level right now unfortunately. My plan for exercise for now is to lose some weight then start exercising because if I try to exercise and learn this new way of eating at the same time I’ll freak myself out and I don’t want to do that, again!

The BF and I also took pictures last night and measurements so I’m excited to see the difference in a few weeks. They better be some good before and afters darn it! Maybe I’ll have enough courage to show my pics some day, but for now they are for our eyes only.

Craving Health!


Hello World! Well it’s been about 7 days since I’ve been off of sugar and refined carbs and I must say I’m starting to like it! I weighed myself this morning and I’m at 225.8lbs!! Last Friday I was at 230lbs, so that’s a weight loss of 4.2lbs! Woohoo!! The best part of it, is that I’m totally not hungry all the time, like I was on a low calorie/low fat/traditionally accepted “way of eating” (I’m trying to get the word “diet” out of my vocabulary!). Not eating carbs and letting myself eat regular fat and protein has been liberating and I will say it here and now – Fat does NOT make you fat!! I’m convinced after looking at the research. Even just watching this: Sugar: The Bitter Truth, will convince you so don’t worry about me taking in too much saturated fat or cholesterol – we’ve been lied to America, watch the video! Now when I’m eating something it makes me feel like I’m eating normal food and not “diet” food. The funniest part is having a whole milk latte and the baristas comment or look at me like “Oh, ok, really?” (Not in a mean way, Starbucks baristas seem to be very nice!). Now, I haven’t been on any particular diet these past few days. I’ve just been trying to stay off sugar and simple carbs. However, my boyfriend and I have decided to read Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution. I know it was big like 10 years ago and there’s lot of untruths about how Dr. Atkins passed away (It was not from his own diet! He slipped on ice and hit his head!) but it’s something that I’m reading about more and more and it seems right for me – someone who’s been a sugar addict her whole life. So we’re gonna read that up and research and prepare before we jump into it and probably this might turn into an Atkins friendly blog! I’ll let you know!

Anywho, about how I’ve felt the past few days – I’m eating very tasty food, I’ve had a few sugar withdrawals (some headaches here and there), I sleep really well, I wake up and am not groggy after, I’ve had some constipation (I know, TMI – it’s probably due to not having a lot of fiber but that will change when I add more vegetables to my diet), I haven’t had any really strong sugar cravings and if I have any cravings they pass quickly (I literally stick a piece of cheese in my mouth and they go away) and I’ve lost weight!

I think what helps with the cravings is my growing detest for sugar. I know it tastes good, but now it’s a reminder of all the times I couldn’t fit into a dress I wanted, all the times I’m reminded I can’t buy boots cause my calves are too big, all the times I feel like I’ve been passed over or not noticed because of my weight, all the times I’ve beat myself up for being over weight, all the times I’ve been scared of dying young and that makes me not want to have sugar – especially now knowing what it can do to you (See the video I linked above to know what I’m talking about, it’s kind of too long to talk about it here and I don’t know how to spell a lot of the fancy medical words that are in the video).

Okay, that’s my 2 cents for the day! This weekend I plan to finish reading the Atkins book (We’re reading the “New Diet Revolution” book from 2002 which was the last one Dr. Atkins wrote and not the revised one that’s not written by him and written by other doctors) and then we’re gonna starting prepping for it!

32 years old. 5ft’ 1″
Start weight: 230lbs (4/27/12)
Current Weight: 225.2lbs
Mini-goal weight #1: 200 lbs
Mini-goal weight #2: 180
Mini-goal weight #3: 150
Dream goal weight: 135

Day 4 Sugar Free and Liking it!

Okay, so it’s day 4 and I have not had a bit of sugar! Yay!! I’ve definitely had some withdrawals, slight headaches and a foggy head but other than that I’ve felt great. I feel like I have more energy and I sleep so well at night. There are times when I crave sugar but the craving literally lasts a few seconds and it’s gone. I’ve been reading up a lot on having a sugar free diet lately. Some of the things I’ve read / watched are Sara Wilson’s I Quit Sugar E-Book which is great and one of the things that really sealed the deal for me was watching Dr. Robert Lustig’s video called Sugar: The Bitter Truth. It literally made me want to cry because for so long we have been lied to and it’s costing the health of America and even the world. Watch it to get what I mean. It’ll change your mind about the “Low-Fat” diet craze that our culture has adopted – it doesn’t work. I’ve been feeling so great lately eating no sugar that I’ve been thinking of doing Atkins. I’ve been reading a lot on it and watching a lot of testimonials and it seems pretty amazing. I think I’m going to get the book and read it and decide. I’ll blog about it later to tell you my thoughts! Oh yeah, and so far I’ve lost like 3.5 pounds!

32 years old. 5ft’ 1″
Start weight: 230lbs (4/27/12)
Current Weight: 227.6lbs
Mini-goal weight #1: 200 lbs
Mini-goal weight #2: 180
Mini-goal weight #3: 150
Dream goal weight: 135

The Long and Winding Road

Hi, my name is Blythe (actually it’s not but for blogging purposes it is) and I’m a sugar addict. For soooooo long I’ve been in denial. I’ve never even wanted to think that I had a sugar problem. I thought it was just that I ate too much, or had bad genes or bad will power. I was even willing to diet as long as no one said it would mean taking away my sugar. If I could have fat free this, low fat this, even diet soda this and that I was ok, as long as I wasn’t forced to give up my sweet tooth. I was even vegan for a year but still loaded up on vegan cupcakes and desserts and stayed unhealthy! Even through all this “dieting” I never really lost weight. Instead I gained, and gained and gained. I’m technically obese. Okay, here I will say it here: I am 230lbs, 5’1″ ish and an Asian female – An overweight Asian female! OMG, it’s like I’m an anomaly. All my life I’ve been made to feel that there was something wrong with me. I’ve decided that there is nothing wrong with me. I’m a great person – no wait, I’m a pretty awesome person actually. God loves me and I should start loving myself and creating the healthy, loving life that I want and deserve.

Have you ever daydreamed about what your life would be like if you made some small changes? I day dream of me being healthy, having fun in the sun, maybe biking, jogging even, going to the beach, going to the pool, wearing super cute clothes and all that stuff that they do on 90210 without the drama and backstabbing. Now a few of those things I can do like the clothes (thank goodness for Forever 21+) and the fun in the sun but jogging and going to the pool are total no nos in my mind. I can barely get myself to walk=( I think it’s because I daily feel sluggish, tired, depressed. I think a lot of it has to do with my sugar addiction. I’m on a sugar rollercoaster all day long. Crashing and getting high and all the while doing damage to myself. So today is Day 1 of this Sugar Addiction Breaking Journey!!

I’m going to educate myself on this by reading sugar addiction breaking books like Sugar Blues by William Dufty and this book here, Farewell Club Perma Chub Addicts by Jill Escher and whatever else I can read up on. I’m going to eat veggies, and protein and grains. Eventually I’ll plan to eat fruit again but for a few weeks while I try to kick the habbit I will abstain from any sugar and get my vitamins from vegetables. If somehow, you have found my little place here on the interweb and have though about sugar addiction, have positively cured yourself of it, have lost weight from cutting out sugar or have any kind of suggestions or comments on this please leave me a message or comment! I’d love to hear from you! Hopefully there are other people out there who feel the same way I do!

32 years old. 5ft’ 1″
Start weight: 230lbs (4/27/12)
Mini-goal weight #1: 200 lbs
Mini-goal weight #2: 180
Mini-goal weight #3: 150
Dream goal weight: 135